TAGDev's Background

TAGDev Program is implemented at Egerton University, Kenya and Gulu University, Uganda. This eight year program (2016-2024) seeks to transform African agricultural universities and their graduates to better respond to developmental challenges through enhanced application of science, technology, business and innovation for rural agricultural transformation. The program is focused on transformation at individual, community, institutional, national and regional levels. Its special focus is on agriculture as a massifier of opportunities for youth and as a mechanism to achieve financial independence and moving millions of poor smallholder farmers out of poverty.

The program will support the training of 220 students (110 masters and 110 under graduates) at Egerton University and Gulu university. The program targets African students who are academically bright yet economically disadvantaged and/or marginalised from the mainstream of society. The scholarship opportunity is open to African students and who in particular are economically disadvantaged and those coming from conflict and post-conflict areas of Africa. Applicants should qualify for admission into undergraduate or postgraduate programmes at Gulu University and/or Egerton University. The Scholarship covers: Tuition fees, accommodation fee, laptop, transport cost, living expenses, Research cost, workshop and conference costs, community engagement and field attachment, entrepreneurship and leadership trainings among others. The focus is to build a strong cadre of AgLeaders who are proactive and change makers. Currently, 95 students have been recruited on full scholarship and 59 others supported in tuition fees and research.

In the broader realm, the TAGDev program seeks to expand the advancement of knowledge and understanding of tertiary agriculture education, engage policy makers at national and pan-African levels to influence higher agricultural education policies and guide agriculture training processes at university and TVET levels.

The program also has a component of community engagement and experiential learning through Community Action Research Program (CARP+) projects that seeks to strengthen the university community linkages. This is through training of students jointly with private sector organizations, research institutions and farmers among other actors to nurture practical oriented graduates who have an appreciation of entrepreneurship for community transformation. In 2016/2017 Financial year, RUFORUM Awarded grants to two CARP+ projects at Egerton University namely; The Seed Potato Value Chain and Cassava Value Chain Project.

TAGDev Scholarships:

Scholarship opportunities are open to African students of all race, colour, and descent, particularly those who are economically disadvantaged and from conflict and post-conflict areas of Africa. The applicant should be eligible for admission into undergraduate and/or postgraduate programmes at Gulu University and/or Egerton University. Students already holding any other scholarship of any kind are not eligible to benefit from this scholarship opportunity.

Application forms are available at http://ruforum.org/MCF/scholarships.

Scholarship Facts:

This is a full-board comprehensive scholarship that covers; tuition fees, one return air ticket for African students from outside Uganda and Kenya, research costs, workshop and conference costs, living expenses including stipend and accommodation fees, laptop, internship attachment, community engagement and field attachment, and entrepreneurship training.

Student Profile upon completion: Students will become high achievers, engaged and focused graduates who are change makers in Africa.


Community Action Research Programme PLUS (CARP+):

The CARP+ focuses on supporting capacity building at undergraduate and graduate levels through enhancing educational value chain and incorporation of Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET). The CARP+ seeks to support universities establish or enhance outreach Centre(s) that link universities more closely with rural communities, research, extension and development agencies, policy-makers and the private sector. Proposals focused on agricultural value chains in crop, livestock and food systems are accepted.

The RUFORUM Entrepreneurship Challenge Program (RECAP):

The RUFORUM Entrepreneurship Challenge Program (RECAP) is an innovative program that builds onThe RUFORUM Entrepreneurship Challenge Program (RECAP) is an innovative program that builds onthe pilot successful enterprise scheme operated by Gulu University and Egerton University. Throughthe RECAP, agricultural universities will have the opportunity to establish Agribusiness incubationCenters (AIC) as part of operationalizing the Entrepreneurship Challenge Program. This will fosterdevelopment of innovative business ideas leading to products and/or services at national to regionalscale. The AIC will serve as a hub that provides opportunity to students and other innovators andentrepreneurs to design and validate their business models and products and test their viability forsuccess in the real world.

Copyright © 2025 TAGDev, Egerton University. "Transforming African Agricultural Universities to Meaningfully Contribute to Africa’s Growth and Development"